
Back to life back to Rheal`tea

image by Hasan Rasheed

Hello there,

You may remember back in 2020, I was suddenly thrust into the spotlight as the world went into lockdown and my creations became a hit. I was overwhelmed by the demand and the attention at the time, yet I’m so grateful for your support and encouragement.

But I also realized that I needed some time to slow down and reconnect with myself. I took a break from the hustle and bustle over the last year to give me time to focus on my well-being and my vision for the future.

I’ve been working with concrete since 2013, when decided to pursue my passion. Concrete was a familiar, accessible and easy material for me, especially as a lover of cooking. It felt like mixing batter all day in my garage-turned-studio. I started with sculptures made of concrete, then moved on to molds like coasters and hands and now growing with glass and textiles. It has been a lot of hard work, sweat and tears, but it also has given me a sense of freedom and fulfillment. It could be a book someday.

What’s Next

Now, after some much-needed rest and reflection, I’m ready to take on new challenges and opportunities in my creative career. I have so many amazing things to share with you in the next few months. You can expect:

  • New products:  Here are some images of my latest work:

  •  Giveaways: I want to thank you for being part of my journey by giving away some of my products to lucky winners. Stay tuned for details on how to enter.

  • Blog posts: I want to share more of my story, tips and tricks with you on my blog. You’ll learn more about me, my process and my inspiration. Along with some recipes and more.

Think of it as a blend of Martha Stewart and Jonathan Adler with a splash of Rheal’Tea. I can’t wait to show you what I’ve been cooking up lately.

Thank you for being part of my journey. Sign up for emails for more updates soon.

One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned is that there is no shortcut to success in life. If there is, please let me know (lol).